Lexogrine HUD Manager

Easy Data Import

Thinking about moving to LHM but you are not sure if this is possible? Too much data to be transferred? LHM is ready for your migration, supporting a variety of formats to make your transition as seamless as possible.

LHM provides extended support for data import, which includes different formats. You can use our API with POST and PATCH, import data from XLS and CSV files and more!
LHM is the real next-gen data management system so from now on everything will be securely stored and easily accessible thanks to LHM Cloud. The LHM standardized system for every supported game allows you to quickly onboard new people, find crucial information, and add and modify records.

If you are using external software or hardware you can easily connect it with LHM using our API. Data can automatically trigger different actions in LHM which will be then transferred to your broadcast through spectator and observer HUDs, non-game overlays, custom visuals, or dedicated functionalities.
Our import methods don’t support your case?
Contact us directly - we will provide the necessary path for data migration!

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