Lexogrine HUD Manager

CS2 Premium HUD

Available for Personal, Professional, and Enterprise plans Premium HUD for Counter-Strike 2 makes it possible to start spectating and observing the CS2 match within just a few minutes - no technical knowledge required!

CS2 Premium HUD is accessible directly through the LHM Cloud with several color scheme options to choose from, great design, and dedicated overlays for economy statistics and match analytics.
Premium HUD works perfectly with Scout AI Vision, Scout AI Predict, and Auto Replay Generator (ARG). Thanks to that you can automate up to 80% of your CS2 spectating and observing, focusing on the most important things and engaging with the viewers, and leaving the rest to the LHM.
Complex and great looking analytics, comparisons and scoreboards!
Say hello to metaverse - augmented reality is here! (CS:GO only)
Professional and Enterprise plans additionally get several color palettes!

Differences in CS2 Premium HUD for each plan

The Personal plan gets:
Standard HUD functionality
Default Counter-strike color palette
(Blue - Yellow)
Cameras support
Professional and Enterprise plans additionally get:
All analytics and comparisons screens
AR In-game Scoreboard (CS:GO ONLY)
Several color palettes to choose from

Discover all features of LHM

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