Lexogrine HUD Manager

Enterprise Plan

More and more companies use LHM for daily operations - that is why we decided to prepare a special offer for everyone who is searching for functionalities like user management, groups, and dedicated permissions. From now on you decide about the roles, assignments and accesses!

The first step is to order the number of needed seats - for each seat there can be a user assigned. To put it simply: if your team has 5 members - you will need 5 seats. No more password sharing and accidental login which causes crossing the device lock limit.
Enterprise plan comes with 1 GB Cloud Storage and 6 hours device lock - the number of active devices at the same time is the number of seats you will order.

Invite the whole gang!

Thanks to the team invitation system you can invite anyone from your team to work with LHM - and you can manage the team members anytime. So if there is any change - you can easily add or remove someone. All the necessary power is in your hands! To add a new member you just need to add the email address - and LHM will make sure to send a dedicated invite directly to their inbox.

Workspace for every goal

Every Enterprise plan allows you to create as many Workspaces as you need - no matter what criteria are. Need separate spaces for the Europe CS2 tournament and Asia Dota 2 event? Consider it done!

You can define dedicated permissions for every Workspace member! Need a member who can only edit Teams? Simple click and it is done. Two masterminds for ARG and Scout AI? No problem!

Workspaces can be a great solution to structure your work and make sure everyone is focused on their goals. No more chaos and accidental data removal.


Permissions allow you to define the level of access not only for Workspaces but also for the whole LHM. It can be super useful if you hire an extra pair of hands or a contractor to take care of some task - you can decide what is and what is not accessible and visible.

It also means the Enterprise plan is a great option for the remote work era - you can easily scale your operations with people available all around the world and do not worry about them accessing your crucial information or changing something unnecessarily.

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