LHM 4.10.0 Release notes

Michal Majka

April 10, 2024

New features for Dota 2, better first time user experience, improved HUD uploading and more!

LHM 4.10.0 has been released.

Dota 2 features

  • Added support for Dota 2 Addons - Addons can take an additional DOTAGSI object as parameter in argument object
  • Added Camera Mixer native support for Dota 2

LHM Translations

LHM has had support for multiple languages for quite some time now, but many language packs weren't maintained as well as we'd like them to.

With LHM 4.10.0 we're introducing a community-based translation solution that will make it easy for all LHM users to suggest changes and improvements to any text in the app.

If you'd like to help us improve support for your language in LHM, just visit translate.lhm.gg, log in with your LHM account and suggest any changes you'd like to see in the application.

You can find more information about LHM Translations in the user guide.


  • Added a "New to LHM?" section featuring most important information for new LHM users
  • Added a "Save and Exit" button in match create/edit screens
  • Fixed issues with HUD upload when network connection with LHM Cloud is not stable
  • Fixed button inputs in addons - requires use of onAction hook which is being passed as additonal parameter, check the latest commit on https://github.com/lexogrine/lhm-addon-example
  • Fixed a rare bug that caused LHM to open the Settings tab when switching workspaces
  • Fixed HUD Settings not closing automatically when switching games

Describe your needs

Hi, I’m Michael from LHM.gg. Provide us with everything you can think of: requirements, ideas, inspirations! Fill out the form or write us at . We’ll get back to you soon!
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