LHM 4.13.0 Release notes

Michal Majka

June 4, 2024

Along with LHM 4.13.0 come bug fixes for issues that crept in with the release of Scout AI 2.0, as well as a minor cleanup of the UI.

We want everyone to have a chance to check out and experience Scout AI 2.0 without any issues, so we have decided to give you an additional week of using Scout AI without using the time budget. This applies to any paid plan.

Here's a full list of changes in LHM 4.13.0:

  • Fixed Scout Vision and Predict sometimes stopping working when changing maps.
  • Fixed Scout Predict not working when toggled as the sole module
  • Fixed GSI events not firing properly in the addons
  • Preinstalled HLAE is now the default way to launch CS2 using Killfeed / Tools option
  • Cleaned up legacy UI buttons

You can update to the latest version from within the LHM app, or use the Download button in the top right corner of this page.

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