LHM 4.8.0 Release notes

Michal Majka

December 21, 2023

Today marks huge milestone for broadcast innovation for LoL - LHM 4.8.0 brings Memory Reading AND Premium HUD to League of Legends!

Two months ago, we've released League of Legends support for LHM. After gathering your feedback, we've worked on expanding the possibilities LHM could give you, and today we're happy to present to you LoL Premium HUD!

For the Premium HUD to work, you need to download and run our new Advanced League of Legends addon. Using Memory Reading, it serves as an additional data source, providing more data about player performance and objectives on the map.

To read more about the new Premium HUD, visit its dedicated page on LHM.gg. More information about Advanced League of Legends Addon for LHM is available in our user guide.

Besides enhanced LoL support, 4.8.0 brings more improvements to LHM:

  • Added League of Legends Premium HUD! Advanced League of Legends Addon required
  • Added Advanced League of Legends Addon as additional data source for LoL. Read more here: https://lhm-tutorial.notion.site/Advanced-LoL-Addon-454edb527bc64f9abdbc1024526c6211
  • Scout Vision no longer needs Java to work
  • Added `cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead 1` to launch commands for CS2
  • Added option to sort matches by date
  • Fixed timer animations in CS2 Premium & Ultra HUD
  • Fixed max amount of tactical timeouts in the CS2 Premium HUD
  • Fixed vertical cameras not being properly cropped
  • Fixed rare case of font not loading properly in CS2 Premium HUDs
  • Fixed crash upon camera connection in HUDs

As always, you can download the newest version through the LHM app or by using the Download button in the top-right corner of the page.

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